I'm. I'm not sure how this came about. I was drawing NeroKiri and before I knew it, this happened?? 😂
I ain't complaining thooooo

28 90

I failed to save you—
(stylized blood cw)

0 1

【懐画 落書き画廊】DevilMayCry4
art :THORES柴本


97 213


『DevilMayCry4 -Deadly Fortune-』全2巻

194 390

Both of the ladies together! Figured I'd make a post of both the pieces I did side by side.

21 48

Trish to match the Lady I drew! Trish's 4 design is easily my favourite of all her designs <3

1 7

Might as well start this account with my first art in 2020! Inspired by 's drawing of Lady! <3

6 31

Если вы думали что я успокоюсь с этой слепстик темой то нет.
От безумия еще никто так просто не уходил.
Угандошеный тростью Ви как бонус, ага.

0 4

А сейчас пжлст представьте себе дмс как классическую слепстик комедию со всеми этими вашими птичками и падающими наковальнями.
Я мб дебил, но мне нравиться эта идея.

0 8

Sin Devil Trigger from Devil May Cry 4 Artbook

3 5

NERO BBYY!!💕💕😘😘😍💙💙💋

I have been trying to draw dudes for a while and they often don't come out well and this is the first time in a while that my efforts have rewarded me!

3 4

Kinda redraw? Seems not so big progress from 2014 for me because I'm not practicing enough🤔
Anyway I use less shiny lighting which not hurting eyes now.

1 6