старенька досить робота, але я її дуже люблю

думаю маленький Кая обожнював небо і зорі

а для мене він і так зірочка.✨

0 22

What if we kissed 😳... In a vineyard 👉👈.... And I had my bird with me... 🫦

1 19

My Genshin OC, Le'Vanda and Diluc. My headcanon is that Diluc is very lovey-dovey just doesn't show it in public settings.

0 1

I'm back to making arts 🫶 do you guys still remember me :D no? Oh... Okay :3

0 0

Do people do sketch dumps on twitter??? Im desperately trying to be more active here but idk what else to share 😔

9 32

I did a pencil sketch, then my high school friend decided to turn it digital 🥺❤️ thank youuu friend

10 46

probably the one character I project the most onto ywy (interpret that whatever way you want)

395 1891

Based on 's idea, here is Diluc with an automail.
This one took me so long, but better late thank never


18 70

“Welcome to angel shared what the fuck do you want” diluc. Enjoy this little sketch

26 117

Солнышко 🥺❤️

Внищу ссылка на стикос с ним для тг

12 250