doodle because I don't want to do dissertation 3

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Dissertation submitted and so, I’ve finished my MSc 🎉

I’ve loved my time at Cardiff, but now to look forward to exciting new beginnings!

Here’s an illustration I did for the cover - a fragmentary dog cranium from the analysis site

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Finished my dissertation, post pikachu

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I was given Gundam Wing. I am PASSIONATE about my choices and would write a dissertation if it comes to it.

Reply to this tweet and I'll give you an anime/show/movie and QT with your top 4 fav characters.

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I have points, facts, receipts, and an entire dissertation with sources in MLA format as to why Issac is the most worthy.

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Me handing in my dissertation in September

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A dissertation in three images. I weep at my might. Welcome. To the Age. Of Sharks.

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From Processed World, 1983.

It’s been said that we still have only the crudest understanding of ghosts. Here are a thousand vintage ghosts I’ve invited over.

Wondering about this post? Wait for the dissertation (TBA).
For now: Weblo…

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So I'm writing my dissertation. I'm on a fun part where I discuss the importance of visual representation and visual misrepresentation.

Case and point. Two crocodiles drawn 1000 years apart. one from first-hand knowledge the second from a description.

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I'm currently writing my university dissertation so my commissions are closed, but once July is over I should be opening my commissions again and you can see more of my stuff on my page or my insta (all info on my page)

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Aaaand my tierlists...exposing my tastes and giving dissertations on why these Good Characters deserve to be Waifu-able in GBF and Genshin.

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So in between slaving over my final film and dissertation, I worked on designing a new sona!

Una’s always going to be close to me, and will definitely stick around, but this little tiger now feels much closer to how I see myself. I just can’t decide on a name though!

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Had a few people ask about commissions - I've got 3 left this round! But I've also got my dissertation defense in mid-July, so maybe expect me to open up again in late July or early August. Thanks for being patient, it's's been busy. Oh and new Catdog next week!

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A measured dissertation of the pilot for recently unveiled Shonen Jump series Choujin X:

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Waiting for client approval for first pass of illustrations. Do I nap or do I continue writing my dissertation....

--I should probably nap while the little one is still down.
8 year olds are chaotic little people.

Chaotic, I tell you.

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Hey so I'm very very broke (£6 in my bank account and £133 in overdraft on my other bank)
I'm opening for £10 headshot icons. Flat colour, to be completed over the next few weeks (in between dissertation work)

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Big reveal of my dissertation website! a pedagogical tool to develop visual literacy, based on my research on 19thc sportswomen and gendered embodiment. Teaching a Victorian or gender studies course next fall? I’d love to help you use it in your class!

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I have just submitted my dissertation, concluding my 4 years in college. I am so happy but also so exhausted.

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Word.... deleted my dissertation edits.... Luckily I'm a week early but...

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