Human Drawcia

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I recently gave Krita a try again since a few new updates came out, and I really like how the program feels right now! :D So I drew of from Canvas Curse cause she has a dope design :] Enjoy.

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Drawcia had to do it to ya

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my kirby hot take: drawcia good

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(Kirby Star Allies spoilers?)

The official soundtrack's booklet includes what appears to be concept art of Vividria. Alongside it are drawings of Drawcia, Paintra, and Claycia. (1/3)

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Here's more afro pictures from my Deviantart, featuring Susie, Drawcia, Ribbon, Adeleine, Francisca, Flamberge, and Zan Partizanne from the Kirby franchise.

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This is Astrid Hanson, a character from my K: BTS AU. She is the third oldest child of Magnus's and she is one of the group's second-in-commands. She has cold attitude similar to Drawcia, but she's not a cold as the short-tempered witch. She is also a skilled magic user.

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Just finished Kirby: Canvas Curse so here's some Drawcia doodles.

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A picture of the Dream Warriors, the main characters of my K: BTS AU, as children. However, only 6 of the 7 Dream Warriors knew each other in their childhood years and out of them, Drawcia was the only one who didn't have the others around. This picture is a what-if scenario.

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I'm gonna try to post some of my old fanart n' stuff over here. Here's one of my favorite characters, (Kirby Canvas Curse) from Oct '17.

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Long time readers of my K: BTS comic know that the relationship between Dedede and Drawcia was pretty hostile at first. But Dedede insisted treating the witch with kindness and respect, two things she was never treated with before she met him.

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A picture showing the Tragic Trio. I call them this because each of them have lost a family member in their childhoods. This is around the time of the second comic and when Drawcia is starting to become platonically fond of Dedede.

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A picture of Dedede and Drawcia cosplaying as Lloyd and Sheena respectively, two of the main protagonists of Tales of Symphonia. Dedede isn't the usual idiot protagonist that is often seen, he's just puzzled why Drawcia is wearing something that shows her figure.

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This was originally drawn by . As summer is going to be ending soon, here is a picture of Dedede and Drawcia at the beach together with their fellow Dream Warriors (who are off-screen).

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