I'm sure this has been tweeted but aaaa <3 love Zodiac themes :'D so excited for yet another event haha and the mouse one's pose is so adorable ;A;

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Love this outfit, so precious on Myou <3

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Kura: "Kura to Riku- Don't forget to pack as much as you can for Rein❣️"
Riku: *sigh* This is way too much though... ;A; "
Kura: Hyu hyu! Nothing's too much for her🥰❣️"

1 26

Made some huge fixes+GFX'ed with some effects cause love some of the techniques xD she so beautiful/ethereal now ;A; <3 The flower goddess Zenaku🥰

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( 'ω')わらりんさんにコーディネートしてもろた~♪

1 27

( 'ω')素敵なオススメありがたや~♪

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( 'ω')「夢魔のお食事♪」


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Just for fun I decided to do a little tribute outfit to one of my fav Witcher creatures; the Leshen, or Forest Spirit <3 hence the antlers and woodsy feel :) did a little editing for lighting etc.

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( 'ω')うむぅ… いつ見ても素晴らしいぬ。このコーディネート保存しておくべきだた…

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( 'ω')可愛いオススメありがたや~♪

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