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bueno... tenia curiosidad de hacerlos humanos 030 más con el comic que hice con Cupcake Girl XD
#DHMIS #redguy #duckguy #yellowguy #donthugmeimscaredfanart #fanart #cupcakegirl
Ahora como humanos 🐭👍 #DHMISRedGuy #dhmisduckguy #dhmis #dhmisfanart
Anyways here’s lovey dovey stuff
#dhmisfanart #redguy #duckguy #thereinlovesndilovethemsomuch
The new season is amazing
#DHMIS #DontHugMeImScared #dhmisyellowguy #DHMISRedGuy #dhmisduckguy #dhmisfanart
I swear I have actual art planned but first I had to let the demons win
#DontHugMeImScared #dhmis #redguy #duckguy #yellowguy
you’re welcome red guy x duck guy shippers my job here is done #redguy #duck #duckguy #yellowguy #dhmis #DontHugMeImScared #redguyxduck
commissioned mini comic for Eddie 😁 #dhmis #dhmisfanart #redguy #duckguy #minicomic
Bueno... No creo usar mucho Twitter pero aquí mi aporte // Well... I don't think I use Twitter much but here's my contribution
#donthugmeimscaredfanart #DHMIS #dhmisduck #donthugmeimscard
Cómo es posible que me guste un ship de muñecos o//_//o
#DontHugMeImScared #DHMISnsfw #redguy #redguynsfw #duckguy
¨The three of us, Just three of us!¨
#DHMIS #Donthugmeimscared #fanart #Redguy #duckguy #yellowguy #DHMISART #dhmisfanart
small WIP screenshot of #redguy and #duckguy that I´m working with
#DHMIS #dhmisfanart #DHMISRedGuy #dhmisduck #redguyfanart #duckdhmis #fluffybird
It's my first time doing this ///0v0/// #art #dhmis #redguy #redguydhmis #duckguy #DontHugMeImScared #procreate