Ran a Kids on Brooms campaign but re-skinned it to be set in the X-Men universe, drew some of the NPCs/actual canon characters I love and pulled into the campaign lmao.

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Stan Lee agreed to help on this one for sure! 😍
This is a special edition of the beautiful Mona version X-MONA 🐢☄️✨🔥💫🌈

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INVINCIBLE 8 ist jetzt in Druck! Der Anfange ist ja noch recht "gemütlich", aber wie immer bietet auch dieser Sammelband heftige Verwicklungen, krasse Action und ultrabrutale Fights. So lieben wir unsere Superheldencomics!

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Fire from space -How it started and how it ended - Phoenix and Dark Phoenix by

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Who would have thought that he would have been so appealing!!! Art by (on Instagram)

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The Strength of this character is something Marvel still has to explore. I the introduction of her background story. It'd be great to know more.

Artist: rossdraws - DevianArt

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The recently added to the 2-Page Comic Story Section. A Originally appearing in Startling Comics in 1948.


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