
Alliance Chieftain
Imperial Courier

あと Covas の Eden

0 6

I might have mentioned this before, but I really do like the Cobra!
...Oh, and Ail Frân says 1.15g is the optimal gravity for collecting surface mats. 🤷‍♀️

0 46

Halloween is almost upon us...

2 12

最後あげ エリデン購入迷ってる人はこれを見れ
戦闘だけじゃなく 探査・採掘・交易・旅客・なんでもできる神ゲーや

21 36

英wiki翻訳してからチェックしてなかったけど、久しぶりに見たら Thargoid のコンセプトアートが追加されてた!

5 13


6 17

次は~終点~ サジタリウスA*~

2 5

034: Well on my way to the Hawkings Nebula, I come across another hot potato, a rocky world at 30 ls from the star. I just had time for a bit of low altitude cruising before moving on.

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2 11

Slightly overdue update to my banner and profile for June 3305. They don't seem to get any less complicated, but that's mostly because this is such an awesome community and there's so much to get involved in! o7

2 30

Signally boosty to ! ...whose voice I might be slightly in love with...

They’re putting a community slot into Witchspace News from here on in so get in touch if you’re doing a thing!

9 32

There are so many people on my feed and I’m like ....

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