hi... emeraldduo... for a year ... yes....

(+ other stuff)

14 163

Apparently this is a thing so reposting my recent stuff, hopefully more on the way once life gets less busy ^^'

(You may be able to tell Techno and Phil are my favourite)

8 47

Two young princes. Two kingdoms. Two blessings. Two curses.

Part of the sleeping beauty au!


118 1536

faeza and techno doodle inspired from a lamp

66 520

i have been reading emeralduo fics yesyes

59 512

Hi, I'm Fish! I write/draw lots of DSMP stuff. I currently have three fics posted (emeraldduo, ghostbur + schlatt, and beeduo + Michael) but I'm working on a Bedrockbros Space Royalty! fic! My current goal is 200 (I also have a DTIYS goin on rn)
2 cool moots:

5 63

Here have another progress update cause I have spent literally all day on this and I'm questioning all my decisions

1 19

I feel like to complete the Antarctic Empire fanart I should also doodle Phil so....


25 109

Hi, I'm Fish! I do lots of DSMP writing/art! I mainly enjoy SBI but watch p much everyone. So far I have 3 fics posted. The snippet's an emeraldduo origin story in an AU where the reason cTechno has one life is cuz he's from our world! I also have a DTIYS and build-a-fic going on

2 5

Sneak peekies into the project that currently lives rent-free in my head. The art's getting so close to being done... 👀#philzafanart

1 1

Crows and pig,but in the box

120 1092