What did Early Years settings learn from lockdown? Valuable lessons can be taken away from the enforced break, says . https://t.co/eCwUTo1NN0

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What did Early Years settings learn from lockdown? Valuable lessons can be taken away from the enforced break, says https://t.co/eCwUTo1NN0

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Press Release for its new report on protests, documenting arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, torture and other ill-treatment, and flagrant breaches of the right to a fair trial. https://t.co/lj9eztPUc7

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As we remember the likes of Jonas Burgos, Karen Empeño, Sherlyn Cadapan and thousands of missing activists, join us in our social media rally at 7 pm to call an end to enforced disappearances and to surface all desaparecidos.

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Greece since antiquity always had a special bond with horses and depicted them in our vessels and sculptures at the Parthenon. Were are now the 1st European country that enforced law against any malpractice on them including exportation for slaughtering. We Stand 4 Freedom.🇬🇷 https://t.co/7sXIG01axR

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In January I forced myself to break my ‘colour rules’

For years I stayed within a very defined palet for all my work and convinced myself that this was my style.

I’m still exploring but breaking free of this self enforced colour prison has been SO liberating.


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Haru's bastard father enforced a strict diet and exercise program, leading her to subconsciously see being a chonker as a form of rebellion. That then makes her swell up whenever she goes into the metaverse.

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Given Paper Bowser has his minions shave (SPM) hygiene IS enforced in the Koopa Kingdom. Jr here just seems to think that since his Dad makes the rules, he doesn't HAVE to take a bath...or maybe Its just a joke and nothing more.

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This is Juni and his Hi Ougi is Dragon Smasher. Fury of energy enforced punches followed by a raging blast of energy from his body that pushes back the enemy... lol

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Freedom is a state of mind...that is nurtured by exposure and love..but can't be enforced..just like we have a choice to breathe or not..so also we have a choice to be free

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Student Science Stories: "Progressing in the Brain's Resilience" by Elizabeth Park, King High, Riverside: "Throughout my 3 month quarantine, I've enforced practical skills that would boost my brain's reselience." Showcasing dates for our Student Competition TBA.

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Over the past months, state-enforced killings have continued to claim lives of activists ... Instead of focusing its efforts to contain the virus, the government has instead carried out a spate of human rights violations against its critics.

🖱️Lei Alianza

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Ulysses S. Grant-Chan is widely known as the General that won the Union the Civil War, Grant's Presidency enforced the then-new Civil Rights legislation, notably using the DOJ to relentlessly attack the Ku Klux Klan.

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Artists have long made art when imprisoned (witness Hubert Robert in 1793-94).

on whether art made by the imprisoned changed when America enforced mass incarceration on its population.


: https://t.co/6fkT1Edi3x

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“We’re requiring officers to tell us when they see another officer do a bad!”

1. That wasn’t required already?
2. How is this gonna be enforced, exactly? I mean EXACTLY. https://t.co/VeaDIpMrld

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Blood spearsman
Enforced with blood ritual of mage from first art spear fighter can be important part of any party on battlefield. She/he got some transformations after ritual so the strike of spear will have high piercing power.

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Wake up, America! Don't take it sitting down. Here in Sweden life is pretty much like normal. Despite being a crazy leftie liberal country in many ways, we never had a totalitarian lockdown or enforced distancing. And we're doing just fine. Corona isn't the real threat. Dems are.

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early sheet of reuse hands. one of the perks of working digitally is hoarding assets to save pencil-mileage. That way animators can focus on important stuff.

A weird unwritten rule is MM's fingers get more claw like the angrier he is. Not strictly enforced.

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