画質 高画質

First Decan of Cancer...

"A handsome young man, wearing clothes, and he has some sickness, and in his face and fingers there is some crookedness, and his body resembles that of a horse and an elephant, and his feet are white, and on his body are hanging ornaments in the shape of… https://t.co/DZFIEYzU6O

0 2

what if… ink red son confrontation

32 220

Procreate sketches I’m proud of… I need motivation.

2 14

This boy~! (Second picture for color ref…It’s old xvx”)

0 1

What is a Troglodyte???
The term "troglodyte" has been used throughout history to describe various groups of people who lived in caves or underground dwellings. The earliest known use of the term dates back to ancient Greece, where it was used to describe a mythical race of… https://t.co/AzkuKj4xQL

18 26

COC「Moonlight Crusade」

2 3

Good Morning! Instead of concentrating on what’s wrong”, be consumed by the beauty around you; within people, nature, yourself…A positive mindset/outlook can be healing and infectious!

8 14

It's true that 2D animations aren't widely spread in the A.I. community. But worry not!
offered us an amazing prompt.

I'd love to see your 2D animation experiments. Thanks for the prompt, Elizabeth!

Prompt: in the style of Don Bluth, Jozef Szekeres. MCU of… https://t.co/Izc7FsZImy

68 965








0 20

Finishing up the website then gonna mint some stuff… got some other cool stuff too!!

0 3

⚠️ an Update on the Mumzels Adventures (collection from last September) ⚠️

😔 as only 55 nfts out of 1000 were minted . has the utility and the price changed !!! 🎁👀

Mint price 1 matic 👀

✅️ You now only get Free NFT'S when you buy 1 or more of… https://t.co/aOJbuoXdNv

3 9

Good morning!!

"Vulnerable" is a word that evokes a deep sense of emotion and rawness. It speaks to the fragility of the human experience and the courage it takes to expose oneself to the world. In art, vulnerability can be expressed through imagery that captures the essence of… https://t.co/VmIRjWsaSU

8 34

Lil sketches of… ME

0 10

Some old stuff………………….

77 440

So here we go exposing my self….on the request of https://t.co/BM5TCqk9yO

0 4

I had to see this ape combination for myself… 🙃😅

0 16