DAY217,来自泰国曼谷的艺术家 ,复古带有童话色彩的画风,每幅画作都具有很强的故事性,场景细节十分丰富。在fdn上的售价最高达16e。

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DAY216,来自日本的宝妈艺术家 ,从工作多年的游戏公司退休,决定成为一名独立插画师。她的作品细节令人惊叹,独有的蓝白色系,多种触感的融合,同时对光的把握也十分到位,主号拥有7万多的粉丝,目前其NFT作品在fdn上拥有非常不错的售价。

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My illustration "Wings"
on FDN

We all have wings, even if we can't see them. There are things that energize us, help us move forward, dream and create! Meditations help me. What helps you "fly"?

0 1

"Symbol of love"
0.2 ETH on FDN

Give love not only at Christmas, but every day.

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My favorite art
"Symbol of love" on FDN

May everyone who looks at this illustration get a piece of my love🤍

0 1


I give a piece of love, those cats need it now💞

"Symbol of love"
0.2 ETH on FDN

1 2

"Listen to your heart"
0.15 ETH on FDN

When you've lost your way and can't find the answers, listen to your heart, it knows exactly the answer.

0 4


"Listen to your heart"
When you're wandering in darkness, when you can't see the way, listen to your heart. It will show you the way, lead you to the bright side. Just trust it.

0.15 ETH on FDN

0 1

"Wings" on FDN

We all have wings, even if we can't see them. There are things that energize us, help us move forward, dream and create! Meditations help me. What helps you "fly"?

0 1

My collection on FDN
"Universe inside me"

0 1

My favorite art
"Symbol of love"
0.2 ETH on FDN

0 0

"Wings" on FDN
1/1 digital art

We all have wings, even if we can't see them. There are things that energize us, help us move forward, dream and create! Meditations help me. What helps you "fly"?

0 0

My favorite art "Symbol of love"
0.2 ETH on FDN

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