...until she returns!! 🎶

Today's artwork was drawn by Mai herself one year ago!! It was for the 2022 Fintuber Wall Calendar, representing the month of August. Enjoy it for the whole month~ 💖

See ya tomorrow for more art of she-who-must-not-be-named!! 💥✨

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Mornyan Bubble Fleet!

It's Monday morning, let's make it pawsome~ What is your Big Goal of the week💖🐾

Mine is to learn use my video editing system properly❣

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A new schedule just dropped!
This week's gonna be rather short, since I'm leaving on one week's cabin trip on Wednesday. My next stream after these will likely be on the 4th of August at the earliest. And next stream from now this is in about 3 hours!

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Tried drawing a butt-mousepad! 🍑

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Made a refsheet thingy of my model~

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Next week's schedule's up!
Continuing Dread Delusion on Thursday and trying my best to get Heizou in Genshin on Wednesday! Puzzle Agent will take Mystery Monday while I still try to prep Disco Elysium for streaming!

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Schedule again!
The only change from last week for now is just that we're taking a break from my Nuzlocke to celebrate my first follower CahosPuusku's birthday by continuing a chaotic Sims save starring him!

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Schedule updated!
With Death Mark completed, we're moving onto the next game in the Spirit Hunter series with NG!
Thursday is planned to be Dead by Daylight, but might end up being multiple games again depending on how it goes.

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New schedule!
With us not continuing to the next Spirit Hunter quite yet, this Tuesday will instead be a little gacha stream! Possibly with actual gameplay as well, if people actually wanna see that!
Manhunter will thus be continued on Thursday!

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