Tsuguharu Léonard FOUJITA
Le Marché aux puces
Paris, 1950

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LE RÉVE (THE DREAM), Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita, 1947

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Crazy cats in Japanese woodblock prints, Edo Period: Ito Jakuchu (1715-1800); Hishida Shunso (1874-1911); Morikazu Kumagai (1880-1977); Tsuguharu Foujita (1886-1968).

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伦敦邦瀚斯将于2020年3月26日「印象派与现代艺术」拍卖呈献系列珍品:藤田嗣治Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita、扎德金Ossip Zadkine、雷诺阿 Pierre-Auguste Renoir、杜飞 Raoul Dufy、 罗丹 Auguste Rodin等名家巨作。

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Exceptional works by Zadkine and Foujita highlight Bonhams Impressionist and Modern Art sale https://t.co/YF219iptbg

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In 2020, 4 galleries will set up their stands at the Salon du Dessin (25-30 March) for the 1st time, incl Gallery Taménaga who will show 6 by Japanese-French artist Tsuguharu Léonard Image: 'Petite fille à la robe orange', 1967

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This evening I am setting up the account for the Japanese–French painter Tsuguharu Foujita (). Foujita is known for applying Japanese ink techniques to Western-style paintings. He also painted a lot of cats 🐈

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Léonard Tsugouharu Foujita (1886-1968)
Autoportrait au Chat, 1927

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Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita - Le deux sœurs, 1957.

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Léonard Tsugouharu Foujita ~ 藤田 嗣治

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André Kertész
Le Peintre Tsuguharu Foujita
Paris, 1928

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Happy birthday Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita!

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Léonard Foujita (1886 - 1968)
Le quai aux fleurs, Notre-Dame c1950
Huile sur toile 38 x 46 cm

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Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita,
"Nature morte à la couture",1929
© Fondation Foujita - Adagp, Paris, 2018.

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Une petite balade à Reims. Détour à la chapelle Foujita.
Véritable lieu de pélerinage.

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Night!!! 🖤🖤🖤 Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita

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Tsuguharu Foujita, "Chat Blanc, Fond Rouge", 1926.

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Tsuguharu Foujita, "Chat Blanc, Fond Rouge", 1926.
Quel artiste et quelle personnalité : fantastique, audacieux, hors normes, excentrique…

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