Last minute, but we hit it. Day seven of Carrot. <3

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🚨 SYMBOLIC 🚨 My send off piece to the series. Thank you for inviting us to your dark and enchanting revel in Faerie, . ✨🧡

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Sunday - they had answered her call, the call to defend their home, both beast and faerie, both her friends and she would be putting their lives in danger. It was a burden she would have to bear because if they did not make a stand here then death may claim them

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Doing some neopets fanart today. This is the snow faerie, my favorite. I also painted the grey faerie.

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Ladies and Gents! Our local little rascal, a name-takin', trouble-makin' bundle of spunk!

That wild faerie, Whimsy!

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battle faerie is the best faerie, fight me, I'll win because she's literally the faerie of "fight me"

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neopets paintbrush art meme on tumblr, urumisu prompts i got--faerie, usuki, chocolate, and mutant

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Late to the party because instead of 1 Faerie, I made 4😬First up, there's the Spring and Autumn Faeries, two Earth Faeries that celebrate the turn of the seasons and their unique blessings. Summer and Winter to come!🌺🍂

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I redesigned an old uninspired looking character of mine
She was a generic looking faerie, and that was pretty much it
Now she looks dragon-like and can split herself into smaller faeries to watch over and protect her enchanted forest

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The Dark Faerie, a dragon draped in her own wings, queen of darkness and flame.

And first contestant to be exiled from The Bachelor: Fairyland Edition, after burning the mansion to the ground with the other contestants trapped inside by an impenetrable tower of thorns.

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The dullest people are always the one who want facts & proof or information over imagination. It is no wonder that they cannot believe in Faerie, or magic, or anything that is truly important such as portals to other realms.
(art by Arthur Rackham)

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With everyone talking about their , it had me thinking about mine last night.

I decided to sketch up the first I could recall, Illusen the Earth Faerie, all the way back when I first played Neopets over a decade ago.

I think it's 'cause she's green.

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Day 2 of Mae, my favorite pop culture Faerie, Tinkerbelle!!!
I've had Tink as a nickname for most of my life.

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You know what they say, the smaller the faerie,

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if she was ur fav neopets faerie, ur bi and on meds for ur mood disorders now ://///

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3) Keyshia... my baby girl...
She's not the first OC I RP'd as, but she was the one that stuck around the longest - she's basically a pseudo-sona at this point. She's part human, part faerie, and she's in an apprentice program to become a proper healer.

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Grey Faerie, 7 year difference! Had a lot of fun just sort of going with the flow

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An Izzet faerie, caption- "I’m just glad to be part of the team!"

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La Fata Elettricità: nuova puntata del mio Faerie, dedicata alla grande stagione del fantasy di fine ‘800, dai Preraffaelliti a Wagner, da Pascoli a Tennyson:

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