Rain on me Pokemon Teainers Gaga and Ari!
I took some creative liberties with the outfits !! ⛈⛈⛈
Stream or else !!!

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litlamb from indoregion
naming from lit and lamb.
this mon was based on chinese zodiac lamb but with arcanine design to fool the predators.

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My New Fakemon Region Project coming very soon ! This summer 🙌🏽🙌🏽

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Time to meet one of the two Electric type gym leaders in the WUS!
Meet Ellie! An energetic little girl; she loves visiting the local theme park with her grandmother! Her ace is Alolan Raichu!

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Say hello to Poison type Elite 4 member, Belladonna!
A proud "Poke-otaku" and gamer. Her ace is Salazzle!

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Say hello to the first gym leader for the Western US region!
Meet Jordan, a desk-jockey and Normal type gym leader. Their ace is Ditto!

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The age old question comes once again for the Touriss region!! Are you a boy? (Blake - Male protagonist) -

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The water starter- CARRASPLASH
The beach turtle Pokémon!! -

“Carrasplash are very energetic and, burying in the sand to conserve heat and energy.”

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The fire starter of Touriss!!! FIREFAWN
The fawn Pokémon!! -
- “They gallop across their frozen tundra homes till they tire themselves out.”

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The grass starter of the Touriss region!! PROSAGE ! “The Herbivore Pokémon” -
- “Small and docile, the leaves on their tail smell of pears.”

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