Esquimaux Dog (Canis familiaris) from the viviparous quadrupeds of North America (1845) illustrated by John Woodhouse Audubon. Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
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13 7

un test pour me familiariser avec photoshop^^

1 26

No doubt you've heard of the genie in the bottle, what about 'The Bottle Imp'? Inspired by the Grimm tale 'Spiritus Familiaris' and based on R.L. Stevenson's 1891 story, 'The Bottle Imp': 'Der Flaschenteufel' (1952) dir. Ferdinand Diehl.

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Canis Lupus Familiarisは

38 88

Canis Unfamiliaris ch 1 is set to release this fall and in it the emotional and physical strength of two lovers is tested as they stand up for what they believe in. Will they be able to protect those they care about from the ravages of war?

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Familiarising myself with clip studio on the ipad and drawing the group that got me into kpop ✨

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little portal-roo look familiarish lol

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So tired...just knocked this one out for the instagram challenge... I think I am pushing myself too hard but think it’s worth it to familiarise myself with this wonderful app

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Première étape de l'apprentissage, se familiariser avec l'altitude ( pas facile pour Tomoki 😂 )

1 15

Vous avez aimé vous familiariser avec la plongée sous-marine grâce à Amanchu?

Et bien c'est reparti pour un tour puisque la saison 2 intitulée Amanchu Advance débarquera en Avril 2018

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The Bottle Imp (1891) by RL Stevenson; inspired by German legend 'Spiritus Familiaris' by Brothers Grimm. 'Der Flaschenteufel' (1952) Diehl.

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Attempting to familiarise myself with on my commute. Wobbly train= wobbly painting!

5 15

Trying to re-familiarise myself with a) drawing, b) painting, and c) the app. Blerg.

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