Dempul! ❤️

akhirnya akun ini kepake T_T

1 21

Aku gatau aku gambar apa tapi yang penting toet toet jedar 🙆‍♀️

14 120


"Why are we still here?... just to suffer!"

5 58

Ini tadinya cuma WIP yg kemungkinan gak bakal dikelarin, tapi aku mau kelarin soal nya sayang wkwkwkw 😎
Ini versi 3 cucurutut, kapan-kapan full squad cucurutut :>

Sorry klo jelek 😄

10 83

[repost from ig]

Almost forgot reposting this oneee!!!!

3 18

[repost from ig]

Rusuh rusuh rusuh!!!!

4 19

[repost from ig]

I finally made a new account for my art on twitter! And I will be reposting some of my artworks from instagram here :D
I hope I can manage both accounts~

4 25

Repost aku bagusin lagi wkwkkwkw

0 10

First time drawing '-' hope its not that 'bad'

1 9

《A Girl with Her Dad♡》

A photo taken by Dempul when they first arrived at Skeld, while having a meal at the Cafeteria before starting their job.
But there are 2 impostors among them-

Fanart for

Ref use~

( Insta acc : kyuubi.shiro15 )

3 116

Maaf enggak ada Mata, mulut, hidung sama alis nya. Enggak tau mau gambar yang kayak gimana, udah berulang ulang kali gambar, tapi enggak cocok semua 😐

0 3

I am sorry for late b'day gift 😭
Happy birthday kak! Wyatb!
Moga tambah yg baik baik! Sukses teros! (/・ω・)/

Masterpiece copy-cat

1 80

HBD yang ke 24. Akhirnya Dempul ketemu mama Dempul

1 10