Fluttershy: *pretending to be smug* Ooh, is Lachlan getting sick?

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Gilda: Arr, smart decision “first mate”. Fluttershy, release the prisoners, I’ve got dinner plans with this scallywag!

Lachlan: Protect our treasure, Captain Unikitty! Protect it!!

Fluttershy: Unikitty, your crew is free to go!

*they all escape the ship... all but one*

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Fluttershy: I see, but until then, I think Rainbow Dash wants to play our “game” too.

Lachlan: Heheh, there’s no way she can catch me!

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Fluttershy: And there’s a were-dingo!

Nega Lachlan: *growling fiercely*

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Applejack: I still can’t believe that our lil’ Sugardog is a dad now.

Fluttershy: *sobbing* He grows up so fast!

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Fluttershy: Okay puppy, open wide and say “aaaaahh”.

Lachlan: *he does so*

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Fluttershy: Ooh, he is quite cute!

Pinkie Pie: Ohmygosh! Now I wanna be a werewolf!

Applejack: *chuckle* Who’s this handsome hound dog?

Lachie: *he slowly started to feel better about himself* What about you-know-who? What does SHE think of me?

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Fluttershy: Well, those people don’t know you’re as real as real can be.

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Fluttershy: It’s amazing to see how close Lachlan and Twilight have gotten together since they first met each other...

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Fluttershy: Now that right there is what makes Lachlan a special meat-eater, he always makes sure his catch of the day is okay.

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Fluttershy: Well, I think he’d like you to spit him out now.

Lachlan: Okay! *PTOOEY!* Sorry bro.

Spike: *drenched in spit* Yuck! Dog drool... it’s still better than that blue slime...

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Fluttershy: Good idea! He looked so cute in that costume!

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Fluttershy: Those were some good scenes from that movie!

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Fluttershy: Discord... why would you-?

Rainbow Dash: Ask questions later, let’s get them while they’re down! *they begin to activate the Elements’ power*

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Fluttershy: Here you go Twilight, this should do the trick.

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Fluttershy: I think so, go into the waiting room with your daughter and cousin, I’ll get the jelly.

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Fluttershy: How are you feeling right now? *brushes Twilight’s tail*

Twilight: Fluttershy, my bottom wouldn’t really talk.

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