Afternoon all from a rather cloudy but dry and muggy Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued TUESDAY 12th JULY '22.

A slight and temporary respite from the hot sunshine.

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Afternoon all from a fair, dry & mild Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued TUESDAY 5th JULY '22.

The benign theme continues.

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Afternoon all from a bright, dry and warm Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Monday 4th June '22.

The benign theme continues.

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Afternoon all from a rather cloudy & cool but easily drying up Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued THURSDAY 30th JUNE '22.

An improving picture as we go into a brand new month.

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Afternoon all from a mostly cloudy but still dry and mild Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued WEDNESDAY 29th JUNE '22.

A slight hiccup but this Summer isn't done with us by a long shot.

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Afternoon from a pleasantly dry, sunny, warm and not quite so windy Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast – issued TUESDAY 28th JUNE

A slight & temporary change in our weather but will there actually be enough rain to revive parched lawns?

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Afternoon from a dry (despite that little shower) & bright but quite fresh Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Monday 27th June.

Not quite there just yet in terms of proper Summer-like weather but we could do a lot worse.

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Afternoon all from a fair, warm and dry Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Thursday 23rd June '22.

Generally typical fare.

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Afternoon all from a dry, warm and quite sunny Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Tuesday 21st June '22.

At least we were able to seek some solitude from any rough weather on this solstice day.

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Afternoon all from an airy but pleasantly warm, dry and sunny Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Monday 20th June '22.

A decent enough start to the astronomical Summer.

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Afternoon all from a dry, sunny and warm Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Wednesday 15th June '22.

Finally our climate is getting the right idea with the Summer-like theme, but as always make the most of it.

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Afternoon all from a sunny, dry and warm Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Tuesday 14th June '22.

Finally a real taste of Summer like weather, but sadly a major change by the weekend.

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Afternoon all from a fair, dry and mild Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Monday 13th June '22.

Actual Summer-like weather on the way – but for how long?

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Afternoon all from a fair & dry Folkestone (today has turned out brighter than I thought as well as having avoided the light showers), here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Thursday 9th June.

Useful conditions for the next few days.

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Afternoon all from a showery Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Wednesday 8th June '22.

Still maritime-type in flavour but there are improvements on the way.

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Afternoon all from a brightening up Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent - issued Tues 7th June, 22.

Look on the bright side, at least it is good growing weather. But are things actually going to improve?

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Afternoon all from a disappointingly cool, dull and damp Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Monday 6th June '22.

Bit of an underwhelming start to the new meteorological Summer.

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Afternoon from a fair and still dry but breezy Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Tuesday 31st May '22.

A bit of an underwhelming start to meteorological Summer.

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Afternoon all from a fair, dry and mild Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Kent – issued Monday 30th May '22.

Not much to get excited about as we wind up this month.

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Afternoon all from a fair, dry and mild Folkestone, here's the latest Cloud Master forecast for Folkestone – issued Thursday 26th May '22.

Generally benign.

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