Furo Koi (#ふろ恋 私だけの入浴執事)
Language: Japanese
Genre: Entertainment
Website: https://t.co/rZxe1BlV74

iOS: https://t.co/D4ZG0b2Lzs
Android: https://t.co/ENAwo6IXZB

Bath x Bulter Project game app

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Controversial BL Anime vs Wholesome Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. (DAKAICHI -I'm being harassed by the sexiest man of the year-) vs Love Stage!!

Read more: https://t.co/cHb03Usaqv

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元々の方の衣装で描きました。こっちで良いって言って貰えて良かった( ゚д゚)ホッ

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[Chinese Akaseka & Hakuoki Collaboration Event]

Source: https://t.co/rUSr3f6PPT (Chinese official game)

*Akaseka as Singing in a Twilight World with You and English server upcoming in this year*

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[Boys Idol Band is Coming Soon!]

By: Sunbeesoft Co., Ltd.
Platform: Android & iOS
Website: https://t.co/EbdWtYBPmG
*Usually, this company will have an English version game app*

Android: https://t.co/2Pm7uV6YgO

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CocoPPa Dolls
By: United inc.
Languages: Japanese, Expected to English sub
Experted: Jan. 17, 2020
Website: https://t.co/XBz6aKELEq
Faecbook: https://t.co/i3kvxNXSZJ
Twitter: https://t.co/fVxDEZdmpy

Tokimeki Dress-up coordination RPG app
PV: https://t.co/3EJNSmaOGJ

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The Queen of Number, upcoming in english version

The Queens Number
by: LucyDream, Storytaco inc.
Platform: iOS & Android
Languages: Korean, English
PV: https://t.co/w2Q9I5Loas

Korean ver.
iOS: https://t.co/gMzcwfduKA
Android: https://t.co/vfs79ZMHA7

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京は……いや、今日はKOF for GIRLSの動画を作るぞ!


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[The SSUM : Update]

The SSUM (The Ssum - 더 썸 : The Special Some one)
By: Cheritz
Language: English, Korean Voice
Website: https://t.co/vUDQ6lvQpw

They will announce the official opening of the game again.

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The Throne of Girl (少女的王座)
Genre : Fashion RPG
Platfrom : iOS & Android
Language : Chinese
website: https://t.co/AKhcOQT9DB

**Project In Progress**
Read more : https://t.co/BJ170c2ToA

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Only 1 week, A3! English will be ready for you

【 A3! Actor Training Game 】Pre-register
Android: https://t.co/p7TqGKaNr7
iOS, upcoming

**A3! will be available for both iOS and Android**

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