Exactly 22 years after the European record was set in Catenanuova, 🇮🇹 (48.5°C on Aug. 10, 1999), very hot temperatures have been recorded today.

47.0°C in Lentini
46.7°C in Paternò
46.2°C in Mineo
45.6°C in Francofonte
45.3°C in Caltagirone & Enna

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Si è conclusa la prima fase del Basket Femminile con il Giappone che nell'ultima partita del gruppo ha vinto 102-83 contro la Nigeria superando la Francia(che è stata sconfitta 93-85 dagli USA) evitando il terzo posto nel girone B.
(art by eva16gouki)

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Thrilled to be interviewed for a Zoom podcast by CEO Mara Girone - Simple Sophistication, a weekly called "Empowering Voices". I wish to talk about the need for young budding artists in families to hone their art skills which could be a great 'safety valve' for them. Aug 27 2pm

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20 juin 1792 Un an après la fuite de une manifestation populaire est organisée à à l’initiative des le jour anniversaire du Serment du Jeu de paume. Le peuple envahit les et oblige le roi à porter le bonnet phrygien.

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NAOKOさんのコメント拝見して調べてみました!情報ありがとうございます!Mathilde Baugiron マティルドボーギロンという女優さんみたいですね😃写真が残ってないみたいでボルディーニの作品しかありませんでした(泣)ロマンチックな素敵なお話を教えていただきありがとうございます🤗ホッコリ

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Supa Dupa 🙏 Supa Kool 😎 Birthday 🥳 Jonathan Vaughters
I've dedicated my life to professional cycling, anti-doping, and aggravating people with no sense of humor.

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Ahir vaig visitar a la la col.lectiva dins del XVI festival inund'Art, la mostra d'art contemporani amb tots els sentits.

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31 mai 1793 Très vifs échanges à la entre députés (#Guadet, de Saint-Etienne,…) et (#Bourdon de l’Oise, les frères

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Rediseño de Gironia la conquistadora.

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Journey of the Barong Tagalog, Addendum Part 10.7: 19th Century French Artist Illustrations of Life in the Philippines

Paul Proust de la Gironière was a French doctor and traveler that lived in the Philippines for many years. After practicing medicine in Manila, he developed...

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Teniu plans per aquest cap de setmana!? Girona es guarneix de nou amb i des del Museu ens hi sumem amb una visita temàtica sobre detalls botànics i florals 🌼🌸

Diumenge 9 de maig, a les 11.30 h, t'hi apuntes?
Més info i compra d'entrades:

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1 de Mayo de LA CASA AZUL en GIRONA
Cambio de recinto y de horario
Nuevo recinto: AUDITORI de GIRONA
**Primer pase 16:30h **Segundo pase 20:00h
Las entradas estaban agotadas, debido al cambio hay NUEVAS ENTRADAS DISPONIBLES: https://t.co/bkJS0F4PTb

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"Since we've been married, my husband and I have been traveling back and forth from my home town in Italy, to his. Our hearts are split, we always yearn for the other half of the family. I used light and shadow to represent this concept of split lives." - Fabiola Gironi

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1 de Mayo de LA CASA AZUL en GIRONA
Cambio de recinto y de horario
Nuevo recinto: AUDITORI de GIRONA
**Primer pase 16:30h **Segundo pase 20:00h
Las entradas estaban agotadas, debido al cambio hay NUEVAS ENTRADAS DISPONIBLES:

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Super League et situation des Girondins : le coup de crayon de

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