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Glitchswap redraw #96! River cuts things short and fires at Elizabeth
#underswapfanart #Underswap #glitchswapfanart #glitchswap #glitchtalefanart #glitchtale #undertalefanart #undertale #underswapalphys #alphys #underswapundyne #undyne #underswapriverperson #riverperson #river
Glitchswap redraw #89! Sans forgives Elizabeth
#underswapfanart #Underswap #glitchswapfanart #glitchswap #glitchtalefanart #glitchtale #undertalefanart #undertale #glitchswapbetty #betty #elizibethgray #glitchswapelizibeth #underswapsans #sans
FRESH MINT | glitchSkull10_rat
Available on @KnownOrigin_io as stepped sale starting at 0.01Ξ and increasing by 0.01Ξ after each sale!
20% of all sales go straight to the $SKULL treasury for ever.
#NFT #NFTshill @tryrollhq
.....WOW um I got 137 likes!? and 15 retweets also on the post 49 likes and 13 retweets yup This deserves a celebrations so I redone the drawing a little bit also with glitch icon as well for the mod idea @TheJakeneutron! #Pibby #glitchSteven #StevenUniverse #LearningWithPibby
So umm.. anyone wanna make this mod happend for pibby? we could collab with this idea or something bigger! #glitchSteven #Pibbyfanart #pibby #fnfmod
Glitchswap redraw #80! Papyrus tries to protect Monty...
#underswapfanart #Underswap #glitchswapfanart #glitchswap #glitchtalefanart #glitchtale #undertalefanart #undertale #underswapmonsterkid #underswapmonty #monsterkid #monty #underswappapyrus #papyrus
Glitchswap redraw #76! Chara mentions the worst idea... A RESET...
#glitchswap #glitchswapfanart #glitchtalefanart #glitchtale #Underswap #underswapfanart #underswappapyrus #papyrus #undertalefanart #undertale #underswapchara #chara
Glitchswap redraw #62-63! Jessica reveals her soul color...
#underswap #glitchswap #glitchswapfanart #chara #underswapchara #glitchswapchara #glitchtalefanart #glitchtale #glitchswapjessica #underswapmonsterkid #underswapmonty #monsterkid #monty #underswappapyrus #papyrus
"glitchSkull03_buffalo" on @KnownOrigin_io
Available for a starting price of : Ξ 0.01
20 glitchSkulls will be dropped in the coming weeks, I will then close the series
The drops will always be annouced on the $SKULL Discord 1st https://t.co/MdA09aYvl1
"glitchSkull01_chameleon" by Skeenee
Now available for starting price of : Ξ 0.01
Art by @skeenee_art
Glitchswap redraw #53! Elizabeth, Jessica and Chara go to River and Gaster's place to prove that monsters aren't well ...monsters
#underswapfanart #underswap #glitchswap #chara #underswapchara #glitchswapchara #glitchtale #glitchswapjessica #jessicanoir #glitchswapbetty
Glitchswap redraw #48! Toriel and asgore finally reunite with their son
#underswapfanart #Underswap #glitchswapfanart #glitchswap #glitchtalefanart #glitchtale #undertalefanart #underswapmonsterkid #underswapmonty #monsterkid #underswaptoriel #toriel #underswapasgore #asgore
even if i dont get into this, it was still a lot of fun to draw and also forced me to actually write out glitchs backstory lmao
also!! have the actual art separately so you can see it properly :] (w and w/o the funky lines)
Glitchswap redraw #42! The fight between brothers begins...
#underswapfanart #Underswap #glitchswapfanart #glitchswap #glitchtalefanart #glitchtale #undertalefanart #undertale #underswapmonsterkid #underswapmonty #monsterkid #monty #underswapfrisk #frisk
Glitchswap redraw #37! River takes the hit for papyrus...
#glitchswapfanart #glitchswap #glitchtalefanart #glitchtale #underswapfanart #underswap #undertalefanart #undertale #underswapriverperson #riverperson #river #underswappapyrus #papyrus #underswapchara #chara