E: ¡And don't try to escape!

E: wait a second! This information could be very important to Geno. ¿Hmm, what can I ask him for this information?

-In the AntiVoid-

P/G: Ouch,ow...


48 1034

I know its late, I spent all my time and energy on the new animation that I didn't have the time to do the monthly pawth *sobs* Goth is a baker (cuz.. he has a bun in the oven) and Palette is dressed as a mail man (ironic)

1 7

Hey, ya a pasado un tiempo largo y todo, estaba pensando en si darle nombre a este cómic que aún da para rato, aún no se me ocurre pero iré pensando (*´▽`*) sean libres de comentar si es de su agrado ❤️

17 270


PALETTE: I had already made a reservation at an Outertale hotel to rest during the time that I will paint a house for myself (and goth)... So we can't leave.



53 1027

Pag 23/Translation:

Goth: *protects palette* ¡¿What the fuck, don't you recognize my voice uncle Error?! ¡¡It's me Goth!! >:(


48 915


BOTH: *look behind them terrified*

GOTH: *pulls Palette away from the shot*


47 932


P: *whispers* I can't believe that worked...

G: HAHAHA me neither!

P: Wait... ¿where did your uncle go?

G: ... (OH SHIT...)

50 1005

PAGE 19/Translation:

G: He can't see well, so if we don't move or make noise he may ignore us.

E: mrr... no one answered. (he literally can't see past his nose).


57 854

Hey emo boy, hey, hey, hey emo boy

3 30

Это единственное нормальное что я рисовала за последнее время🎃👻🎃

3 58

Just two doodles for my newest chapter, cuz I clearly have nothing else important I could be doing I mean what-

0 7

"Палл, сфоткай меня, тип я такой серьёзный и важный."

7 93

not actually sponsored but you get it its a meme now-

first drawing with new tablet~

here have dark bonus version too

0 10