thank you for the stream !!! susan couldn't handle the power of our wonderful princess miku ... välkommen hem, ikey, saknat dig ! good luck with obligations and please rest and catch your breath ...

we quilldren do indeed have a type, glad you caught on www

0 9

Avui hem provat de dibuixar un dels nostres "chibis", concretament en Hinata, amb un estil diferent des del Procreate, per celebrar l'estrena imminent de al !! 😁

Us agrada el resultat?? 🥰

5 28

🌕Hem-Netjer of 𓇌𓎼𓇋𓊪𓏏𓇋𓄿𓈖 𓎼𓍯𓂧𓊃 🌕

🎁10 x WLs Giveaway 🎁

l 𓆑𓍯𓃭𓃭𓍯𓅱

ll RT

end in 48 hours

438 411

Sevgili benden istemişti; onu kırmadım ve üstelik hem hem de ebedi aşkı ve kullanarak yeniden hayal etmeyi denedim.

1 24


Vô tình lướt tw thấy ảnh card 1 bạn đăng lên iu quá thế là tui tranh thủ dẽ 1 bức. Chòi ơi cái card xinh xĩu
Cũng lâu r hem có dẽ 1 bức riêng cho Bìn Bin~

47 285

Divendres de la setmana que ve, farà 10 anys del tancament del 3XL. Aprofitant l'embranzida de l'anunci del retorn de les sèries d'anime populars en català en la qual hem assessorat, us demanem que ens seguiu per tal d'exigir l'inici de la creació d'un nou 3XL multiplataforma ja.

59 351

✨ugo's world collab✨

❤️Love VS haters 💔

ugo x Hem shuttle ()

🗣️new from 🇰🇷

.glb // 15 editions// 1.5 $xtz // 1 week before burn 🔥

12 21

Aynı hafta hem hem seyredince zihnim onlarla doluyor 😎. Sağ olsun sayesinde kendi fantastik dünyamı da yaratabiliyorum. Çok küçük bir photoshop müdahalesi dışında tüm kompozisyon algoritmaya göre.

1 19

*gently tugs on the hem of your shirt*
Umm..I uh...I got you a pwesent ( *ノωノ)

9 76

Het was trouwens C.S. Forester die hem aanzette tot schrijven, toen hij in een hospitaal aan het herstellen was van zijn oorlogsverwondingen.

0 3

Image description:

A Bratz inspired girl wearing a mask with written above her in bubbly font. She has long hair and is wearing a mask chain, a one shoulder top with a feather hem bodice, and a butterfly belt, with bell bottom jeans and thick brown shoes.

21 86


S'ha fet públic que Inazuma Eleven i Ronja s'emetran al 3r Super3. A més, anunciem que tant el com nosaltres hem assessorat sobre anime a l'equip del canal infantil. En voleu més? Seguiu-nos!

143 626

BOUTTA have the silliest request

This mofo holding a tiny Hem. plush ⚰️

0 2

tfw Solid is sad when I point out that we arent going to try and talk tot hem because that would lose surprise and since we've decided on combat... every advantage helps

0 2

🇯🇵📚Comencem un nou curs i una nova edició del Club de lectura Manga Adults Virtual.

Aquest curs hem decidit canviar les sessions a un dissabte al mes de 10 a 12h, a través de la plataforma Jisti Meet.


1 7

Thank you for being my friend, being there for me, and believing in me. I’m incredibly proud of you, and happy for all you’ve accomplished. No matter what I will always be by your side, supporting you any way I can. I love you hem forever and always <3

5 15