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Too many wips, too little time but I managed to at least paint this Jyushiko.

PD: She doesn't really know what the shirt says but she still likes it. (I'msorryIhadtodoitsinceIsawthatshirtdon'thatemeit'sjusttoofunny)

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Took a break from work to draw these two goofs. 💕 I realized I haven't ACTUALLY drawn these Tallers since I was like 15, hadto fix that 👍

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! Hope you have a wonderful daaay! :D (hadtorepost,becauseIuploadedwrongsavedfileoopsxD)

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But that just means I'll have a bunch of cool stuff!

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I was told by iron in her newest comic (otter kind of comic) that panda + otter = potter (or potta)

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Black Forest cake... In the Black Forest. 🌲🍰

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Do you ever feel
like a plastic bag


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I don't know why every time I look at 's avatar I remember Mojo Jojo.

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