
162 666

Happy Birthday~ !
I totally love the canon when is in charge of his daily calories. 😂 Imagine Connor convinced Hank on a diet because he said he wishes Hank can live longer. And Hank thought about how Connor is all alone after he died so he had to.

6 25

"You think you are better than me? Brother?"
I wonder if the police department will have to pay a lot of repair fee this month.🤣

35 149


13 48

Thanks my friend, she let me know this Japanese Drama: おっさんずラブ.
And she captured this shot.😂

138 504

20th century detectives

20세기 사립탐정 컨셉도 재밌을것같음 사립탐정이라든지...

100 284

The story is after Connor killed himself for the revolution.
Die together might be a romantic choice

58 202

Бумбокс - Люди

Люди ми тільки тоді,
Як дуже сильно любимо. 
Тільки тоді, коли любимо ми
Можемо зватись людьми. 

(артеров не знаю)

13 73