
9 30

I DID IT YES. I only spent like 2 hrs on this- it looks so different from my usual style.. . His eye is colored funny

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so i heard today's a special boy's birthday :3c
uhhh there was once a conversation of amostia being instead represented by oliver and i!! decided to draw my own oliver!amostia
i liked the result 😄

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Happy birthday my boi 💞💞

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I fortunate enough to be a part of the Olivercollab2019, the song I've chosen is 'Tarantula'!

12 48

I drew Angel Lazaretto for this years Oliver Collab!

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今日は僕の大好きなホームアローン2も放映されてるのでホームアローン2風でお祝い 素敵なクリスマスを!!

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✨Happy 7th anniversary to Oliver!!✨
Oliver 7周年生日快樂!!以後也會繼續喜歡著你😊

It`s the song Dummy March by Momocashew.

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