(htn spoilers!) Harrow and Ianthe and not-quite-Harow

271 1004

[tlt] (gtn/htn spoilers) I tried to draw some judith/coronabeth, set shortly after gtn, not sure about the result haha... love this ship though

22 82

Quick sketch while htn kicks my ass.

14 49

i did a comic! hopefully providing some 6th house htn feelings this fine evening.
(and yes I gave them matching best friend rings what about it)

94 236



1 9

i am going thru htn and harryanthe brainrot please bear with me gang....

222 788

yes i deleted the last one - yes i drew the face paint wrong - no i will not be taking questions

2 9

“And let them lie,” she said, laughingly, and not very kindly. “Somebody might even exhume them for you."

14 52

htn spoilers //

who did it better: plot against god edition?

55 219

colored some ianthe tridentarius sketches :^) she is soooo

166 539

[htn] Re-did my cristabel design to be easier to draw
Inside of my head rn: girls who can pronounce multiple exclamation marks

12 24

draws HTN!harrow as a goblin to distract from the actual pain of the book

534 1793