//=time() ?>
Akhirnya, bisa bikin rambut nya ned!!
Niat nya pengen bikin dirga pake oversized bf shirt after having xxx ps blajar anatomy.
Tpi alhasil malah ned shirtless n cuman pake jeans aja (sengaja sih).
Pengen kayak iklan cowok" calvin C.
#hwsnetherlands #hetalia
Before he could stop him, he got struck by love at first sight...
Thanks for @zecxor for giving me bg ideas and helping me with the lightings
#蘭ネシ #netherindo #hwsindonesia #hwsnetherlands #nethindo #nethernesia
udahan dulu yaaa hehe maaciw yg udh nemeninnn
#hwsnetherlands https://t.co/JZlo36rp77
Just realised i dont have a proper image for mas indo. Mostly from side view or in meme.
Yaudah deh mas londo aja. Dari tsuntsun medit jadi pemuja senja galau. Thx. #hwsnetherlands https://t.co/vvJNcgnILk
Ada masmas liatin cincin nikah sambil sebat. Nikahnya sama siapa? Ga tau~
#hwsnetherlands #hetalia
I too would be scared if a giant tulip pick me up from the ground and start speaking dutch
#hwsindo #hwsindonesia #hetalia #tulot #hwsnetherlands #netherindo
Crossdressing!Ned #hwsnetherlands
Abel kalah main dakon sama Dirga, terus disuruh pake dress buat punishment-nya
tulips, windmills, and bike rides with you.
#hwsindonesia #hwsnetherlands #netherindo #蘭ネシ
2nd art raffle for @arekeyheyhey!
nethindo manis manis~
#hwsindonesia #hwsnetherlands #nethindo
Bukannya belajar buat ujian malah gambar #hwsindonesia sama #hwsnetherlands .... Dasar myself
#hwsasean #netherindo
Merman AU!Indo anyone? Ceritanya Jabrik jadi Prince Eric hehe
+pari!Indo just because
#蘭ネシ #netherindo #hwsindonesia #hwsnetherlands
testing pake CSP
#hwsindonesia #hwsnetherlands #netherindo
Masih siang udh gambar yang aneh2, dasar aku
Second pic terinspirasi dari small!Ned and big!Nes AU hehehe :>
#hwsindonesia #hwsnetherlands #netherindo #nethindo
(failed to hold the urge)
#hwsindonesia #hwsnetherlands https://t.co/j5wvwoMkgE
Baby bear #hwsindonesia try to scare #hwsnetherlands
(Neth is me...)
Bocil menggokil 💮🌺🌸
#hwsindo #hwsnetherlands #hwsrussia #hetalia #hwsindonesia
*indo, sneezes once*
Mas indo, to all horknee posts n shippers (including me): I heard you were talking sh*t about me 👁👄👁
Tadinya mau bikin fuwa2 winter date gitu kan ya tp tangan kepeleset.
#hwsindonesia #hwsnetherlands #netherindo