A mí, el cabello de Hyoga siempre me da problemas, por eso siempre uso de referencia al de KotZ para dibujarlo, su cabello me parece más sencillo que el de la serie original, aunque también uso a Dimitri de FE 3H como referencia para el cabello

0 4

Saintober day 17: Memories!
Hyoga's Rosary is an important reminder of his mom... 😔💔

5 24

Genderbender de Hyoga (joder no había mucho que cambiar XD)

A lado la ilustración en la que me base uwu

34 198

Lmk what you think about this cosmic horror.

2 13

I wanted to finish this. It's not exactly what I had in mind. But it was a fun try.
I go on the couch, resting again *sneeze*

3 31

Your statement is way late...it began a long time ago....Choujin Sentai Balatack...even has the word in it....and Hyoga Senshi Guyslugger is a full fledged super sentai as you can see. It was even created by Ishinomori himself...and yes, they do henshin....

0 6

Hyoga Frost, when one wanders into the realm of Universe's Shadow the realm begins to corrupt. Hyoga was one of the first victims of this, and she ensures she won't be the last.

3 10

new paradise - Hyoga of god cloth

7 64

Oh damn, Hyoga doing wholesome stuff? Sign me right up lol

0 3

how many people did Hyoga kill anyway? vs semi-reformed felon

0 1