SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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Ahhh thanks, Bas!!! And if I may offer some additional enticement: them

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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Ciao a tutti!⭐ Sono Cocochi (ma potete chiamarmi semplicemente Jun) e sono una vtuber italiana! Mi piace molto giocare, ma ancora di più giocare in compagnia!!
Spero di starvi simpatica e di riuscire a intrattenervi con ciò che porto su Twitch e gli altri miei socials!

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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"L'uomo è semplicemente l'essere affamato. L'animale è sazio, dopo che ha mangiato."

Georg Simmel
Metafisica della morte

per frammenti.

81 101

SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

0 0

“Credo semplicemente che una parte del Sé umano o anima non è soggetta alle leggi dello spazio e del tempo”

Carl Gustav Jung


Marc Chagall

19 30

SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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