Day 8: Bea still really wants snow. Jules, too! So they gather up glue, clean jars, & a few dollhouse toys. Bea glues toys inside each jar. Don't forget glitter! Close the lids, shake, shake shake...snow globe!

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Day 8 of brings us merry wreaths, sure to brighten any home

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Doubling up on and using for December 7th. Out tonight so just checking in. Have a great weekend .

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Quick little piece that is also for inspired by a bottlebrush tree I pass every day on my dog-walking route. I love it. But I didn't have time to really do it justice...

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Day 7 of Every room needs a window...but will we see anyone outside?

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I’m really loving this little elf...he may appear again!

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Day 6 of Who’s that coming down the fireplace?

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You can’t have a Festive Lunchbox without a hot drink. Edward knows that Father Christmas loves hot chocolate (with marshmallows, of course!)

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Candy canes are good for a quick sugar hit, but Christmas cake is better for the long-term sugar release. Plus; marzipan!

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