Tfw infiltrates every aspect of your existence!

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My is strong today. A few students wrote to me to thank me for being there, trying to help, and treating them like the individuals they are. Those notes won't matter for promotion files, but they matter to me. Even the bad part of me that doesn't believe them.

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Feel like a fraud? Tip 2: Feelings are not facts.
It's important to realise that you can feel something, and feel it strongly, and it might still be wrong. Look at the evidence. From:

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Me, working on a new piece: “WOW I can’t believe this is going so well, who knew I could paint.”
Also me: *went to art school and got a BFA in painting*

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I'm launching a new programme for women in creative & digital in Sheffield looking to let go of Imposter Syndrome. DM me for info

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Today in I'm teaching a digital painting tutorial tmrw, when I could barely do this 1 yr ago. I've learned so much re workflow optimization by teaching beginners this semester... but that's how teaching works, right? 🤷‍♀️

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Whenever someone calls me cool I get horrid imposter syndrome. I've never been cool!
...My husband disagrees...

Follow me on Facebook:

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At 20 I was studying 3d design and animation. When building the 'folio I felt I wasn't good enough for the industry(#ImposterSyndrome). All the jobs said I needed 5 years experience. How am I supposed to gain exp if you will not hire someone inexperienced? Intern for 5 years?

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Me showing up every morning and pretending like I know what I’m doing.

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