All five members are indispensable . I really miss them

62 167

Happy Women's Day to all you authentic, loving, funky, vibrant women who make the world a better place. You are strong, powerful, and indispensable. Keep making your mark on the world! 💜

97 514

I know I’m late but I’m trying to post better-looking art. My female characters are an INDISPENSABLE part of my manga. Happy national women’s day!

1 8

Exhibited in "Gateway To Metaverse" at the thanks to and
The message that I want to convey is that the sea is very important, and indispensable for life on our planet.


1 4

It was unexpectedly icy this morning. With great effort and an inhuman lack of grace, I managed to avoid falling.

The dog's heroic assistance is documented below. Truly indispensable and woman's best friend! Lassie and Rin Tin Tin have nothing on this gal! ❤

4 3

El "koko da yo" tiene que significar algo importante, tanto en indispensable como en samishigariya lo dicen, no puede ser coincidencia, lit son las dos canciones más aiyuu de todas 🧐

1 13

These are two pictures that I am very proud of.Once again I would like to thank the owners of both images. Chip chan and Shukudaidayo san Including all the dear bidders, and indispensable is Shiomu san and weep3dao who gave me this opportunity.

14 43

Trabaja en ti mismo. Tu eres tu mayor ventaja o perjuicio.
Trabaja en tus prioridades.
Trabaja en tus áreas fuertes.
Trabaja con tus compañeros.
Algunos consejos de
Libro ‘Las 21 cualidades indispensables de un Líder’.

1 4

The message that I want to convey is that the sea is very important, and indispensable for life on our planet. Human beings have yet to learn that the planet Earth does not belong to just us, but all of the creatures that inhabit it.
Sound on!

13 38

Effect: chance of luck +1 ALL DAY

This knight is an indispensable medical staff in this era. It's lucky just to be with medical staff in this era.

0 2


Milner was a really indispensable But he was very attractive.
Ever since Milner went to Jason's home, all the Chickens have been crying for him.

1 4

Ce soir indispensable sur 😍😍😍 (kevin Tong pr Mondo Graphics

0 1

Felicidad. Etéreo concepto cuya búsqueda constituye, sin embargo, la fuerza motriz vital permamente e indispensable del ser humano...Como los artistas - llámense Murillo, Bernini, Van Gogh o Matisse - hoy nos reflejan poniendo la mirada de sus obras en los cielos.

Feliz jueves.

8 42

El es el instituto electoral más caro del planeta, tiene gastos injustificados y, para colmo, no es imparcial ni garantiza elecciones limpias.
Por el bien de la transparencia y la democracia es indispensable revisar en qué se gasta casi 20 mil millones de pesos.

3352 5779

have been indispensable popular theme in Chinese paintings. As the Year of the Tiger greets the Chinese lunar new year, Rongbao Zhai Art Gallery in Beijing is exhibiting its collection of tiger-themed paintings. 🐯🐯

12 43

- Panacea is quite reserved, reluctant and stiff (much like her moms' relationship heehee hoohoo)
- but absolutely indispensable in a pinch
- a hair's breadth away from totally losing 100% of her shit at all times
- Mercy will sooner adopt Junkrat as her son than form Panacea

2 40

Le délice de la journée, c’est de voir que l’immense série Une sacrée Mamie revient en mars chez

Indispensable pour tous ceux qui veulent du Japon rural et de l’histoire familiale à tendance mignonne et émouvante

23 62

Transparence des médicaments : l’occasion manquée des vaccins Covid 💉💉
L’arrivée des vaccins outils indispensables dans la lutte contre l’épidémie, aurait pu constituer une occasion en or de revenir sur la mainmise de l’industrie sur l’information médicale.

8 24

Amiguitas, amiguitos y amigaytors. Vayan con esta postal mis mejores deseos por que celebren con alegría y amor, las fiestas de fin de año. Cuidémonos entre todos. y en lo posible, socializa lo mínimo indispensable.

7 53

MOOC "La psychologie pour les enseignants"
1er bilan des Semaines 3 et 4 sur le Comportement, sur 1100 répondants:
89% jugent le contenu passionnant ou très intéressant, 82% indispensable ou très utile, 88% qu'il devrait être obligatoire en formation initiale des enseignants.

28 126