It's been a while. My 1970s Holmes & Watson story is still developing, and I've written the prologue. Take a look at Holmes, post Niagara Falls. What could've happened? Stay tuned.

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Fast painting, sorry for messy result..
John Watson adult ver. (Timeskip 3 years)
With and without moustache... 😳😳

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I did this Sam & Max Sherlock Holmes crossover piece a while ago, and I don't know if I posted it on Twitter.

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Long time no see I missed drawing you! (As soon as I saw the pic with the glasses I just had to) Bon week-end tt le monde 💜

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Maybe it's the last time we see them moving and talking.. i'm so sad to watch it😭

I send my gratitude to all staff on Production I.G! Thanks for your hard works!

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I'm still drawing, just not posting much!1970s Holmes & Watson before I disappear and get way too busy. I'm a little late for Pride, but.. 😇 Sorry not sorry, btw.

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Kamakari Kenta as John H. Watson on Moriarty the Patriot Musical op. 3 😳❤

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Sherlock.. it's been a long time... don't give yourself more burden than this.. please share it with me too!
I draw Watson with moustache! (Time skip appearance, i guess)

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