Messy doodles of my new bby.

Jophiel treats angels like friends and views mortals like one does a puppy.
Demons get the purge treatment no questions asked--

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Jophiel 💙💚✨

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WIP of a new Wicked friend to bother Xanthe and Jophiel with👀

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Jophiel is a kind soul. He is a listener, sort of like those things you send prayers to. He’s from ‘s WIP Terms and Conditions

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This didn’t get any traction on my instagram, it’s probably to different from my usual pretty anime boy style 😂 this is Jophiel from ‘s Terms and Conditions!

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Between commissions I’m doodling. 😂 this is Jophiel from ‘s WIP, Terms and Conditions

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Habt dieses Jahr einen schönen Valentinstag! 🌹

Das Bild ist für die liebe entstanden und zeigt unsere beiden Ocs – meine Selena und ihren Erzengel Jophiel ♥

Vielleicht darf ja noch mehr von den zwei süßen zeichnen in Zukunft ♥♥

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Jophiel : Archangel of Wisdom aka Angel of Death DONE!!!
Next, Baal : Archfiend of Gluttony.

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I was gonna redraw this before posting since it had Xanthe and Jophiel's older designs but I don't have the energy, so POSTING IT AS IS.

Just some bird parents bumping into one another w/ their kids. Ft. Vyr and Rell

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Auf Instagram und Facebook gab es ein voting zwischen den 9 Erzengeln. Habe mal nach den Favoriten gefragt. Gewonnen hat Luzifer. An zweiter Stelle stand Jophiel und den dritten Platz belegte Raphael ✨
Konnte mich beim Hintergrund nicht entscheiden x,D

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Turning around, I asked.

“But… then… who’s going to watch the forbidden tree?”

Jophiel looked a little… surprised? Nervous? I wasn’t quite sure. They looked around a bit before answering.

“They’ll arrive soon.”

“Oh.” I made an understanding sound, about to turn to leave.

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“Right, right. No need for that.” Jophiel rolled their eyes. They placed a finger on my lips and I knew it would be wiser to quiet myself.

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Still, I could not be rude. I cleared my throat and tried to look like a guardian again, raising my flaming sword procedurally. “I’m ready to receive your message, Archangel Jophiel, Beauty of God, Patron of Artists, Archangel of-”

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“AAh” I jumped at the sudden boom of their voice.

Jophiel burst a laugh, making me frown and looked around in confusion.

“Chill, young Aziraphale.” Their laughter turned into a chuckle. “Don’t be so tense. I’m here to deliver a message.”

Well that wasn’t funny at all!

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“It’s a nice day, issn’t it?” The Archangel moved closer.

“It sure is,” I smiled nervously. Their amber eyes with slit pupils were enchanting up-close. Jophiel stared at me intensely, as if there was something on my face. Oh dear, what if there WAS something on my face?

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“That’s alright, Aziraphale. There’s no need for formality. Call me Jophiel.” Their soft smile turned into a grin, showing two sharp fangs. What a unique look. I had never seen anyone like this.

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Xan had issues learning her abilities, thankfully, a rouge angel took Xan under her wing!

Here's Jophiel, basically got tired of heaven and the war so just went to live off the grid, just vibing. Ex-hellguard. Does un-heavenly magics.

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im jophiel but you can call me joph, he/him, and my top for are these bbs in no particular order cuz i be caught slipping

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