Now they are finally together 🥲

I am really curious of Angel's reaction after seeing K9999 returning.

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I'm gonna love drawing Not-K9999

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K9999 x Nameless x Krohnen 「Akira Team」(LOL)

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To the people complaining about Krohnen :
- you've been asking to see K9999 since 2002 and we almost all knew he's gone
- SNK did the impossible to bring him back and gave him straight up the same moves as K9999 as you can see
Aren't you grateful to even see such thing in 2021 ?

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Wow! My favorite character. Legally Distinct K9999

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I do like K9999/Krohnen's redesign in general
My only complain would be his long hair.
I prefer when he had short hair and you could see his forehead.
Besides that the rest look very good.

Welcome back!! 🎉
Now I can make my "Team Sacred Gloves" again (K', Kula and K9999)

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I have realized something.

With the inclusion of K9999 (AKA Krohnen) in the roster of KOF XV that means we are going to have both NESTS Team and Orochi Team in the same game like in vanilla KOF 2002

I like to compare both teams.
One represent mysticism and the other science.

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Uma das maiores surpresas do Game Awards de ontem foi esse novo personagem. Mistérios a parte, ele é Tetsuo, K9999 e Nameless em um só.

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K9999 bears a striking resemblance to the main antagonist of the anime Akira, in both appearance, animations, and abilities, on top of sharing a voice actor.

Following the release of The King of Fighters 2002, SNK retired him, seemingly fearing a lawsuit by Toho Studios.

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Con la confirmación de K9999. Estoy tan cerca de tener a mi bella pirata rubia. Ya me la imagino con los gráficos de KOF XV y me entra el hype! Espere tanto tiempo para volver a verte B. Jenet! Y ya no es un sueño, puede ser realidad!

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Damn, it just hit me that. Krohnen when saying “Kusanagi” here refers to KOF02’s clone “Kusanagi”, voiced by Mitsuo Iwata (who did Kaneda’s voice). This really is K9999.

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Angel, la unica persona que K9999 considera amiga.
Que gusto ver a esos dos punks juntos otra vez 🥲

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Welcome back K9999!
Let's hope we see him having a special intro with K' in KOF XV
To remember the old rivalry.

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