身体 眠りを欲してる
ハロー皮膚荒れ 悶絶す
闇堕ちの犬 泣きそうに
喚け彷徨え 何処へ行く


1 2

Being the most important creator, Kiz controls energy. Ey aren't allowed to let emotions control em and if ey disappeared, life would cease to exist. In order to not get overwhelmed, the rest of creators support em on eir job.

9 10

【#VAVT】#TOPBTC 11/27 16時 予定。
11/25 21時からはディスコ内でイベントもありますよ

フォローRTで100VAVT 200人まで

137 26






41 14

أول اليابان! العملة DAG السابعة في العالم ، KIZUNACOIN المدرجة في Bit-Z بتاريخ 7.11.2018!

46 31

大手取引所 Bit‐Z にて日本初 通貨として取引告知アナウンスされました!

初上場ながら決済通貨を目指して居ることや技術面に関しても紹介されています✧୧( "̮ )୨✧


75 57

10. The Defender
The only one of them who can keep life going on and protect their world. Remaining in some sort of undead status, ey specialized at defense but can't fight anymore. In exchange, Kiz can freely control magic.

4 4

/ MD
Alternative responses to "I love you" - creators version! with Kiz, Sky, Alma and Marta

3 4

Oh yeah- magical girl Kiz happened- terrible color over of a CCS thing-- f;jalskdjg my friend BuzzWolf from TailsRefuge was subjected to another shenanigan- old art a;lkdjg

1 4

Some other stuff- The traditional was from a friend on Discord! They drew my magical girl Kiz;; I did the pink lady for 'em! Plus sketches. From shenanigans on a Discord server I'm in-- and old stream doodles-

2 4

8. Kiz (MD)
The one who protects them all, guardian of MD and its creatures. The creators who are alive basically help em to keep the world alive, but ey are the one who decide the future. However, ey also have emotions and feelings, which ey have to put aside for the good of MD.

2 4

did this headshot of my Kiz aardwolf and it is perfect. OBSERVE.

2 12

Little Bigfoot
test made for Kiz Studio

0 2

First time I think I’ve drawn kiz fully.

3 8

KIZ020 Lo-bit SpeedCore Vol.020 - KIZAN518 https://t.co/gyMKFpwjAO

16 16

kiz4x65YKqo79kkdbYtedLiS 東方が好きすぎて····

0 0

KIZ*HADA 「Spring本」

表紙・編集 :

参加メンバー :

配布場所:札幌市立大学芸術の森キャンパス 2階エレベーター掲示板前

3 0



KIZ018 Lo-bit SpeedCore Vol.008 https://t.co/aahBU0t9jG

19 27