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草薙京 KOF99~2002の時の衣装★学ラン卒業したのか~…とちょっと寂しく思った。バンダナも無い。私服っぽいよね。
#KOF #草薙京 #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ
Kof 99 - BEYOND THE "K'"
#Mangá #LeonaHeidern #Whip #AthenaAsamiya #BlueMary #MaiShiranui #King #YuriSakazaki #KasumiTodoh #KOF99 #KOF #SNK #KOFXV #KOFAS #KOF98UMOL
Athena Asamiya - Kof 99 - Concept Art
#AthenaAsamiya #KOF99 #ConceptArt #PsychoSoldier #TeamPsychoSoldier #KOFAS #KOF98UMOL #KOFXV #SNK #TeamSuperHeroine #KOF94 #KOF
Kyo Kusanagi - Kof 99 - Early Sprites
#KyoKusanagi #KOF99 #SNK #ClãKusanagi #TeamJapan #TeamSacredTreasures #KOFAS #KOF98UMOL #KOFXV #KOF
We got Athena, and 2/3 of my team is here 🎉
About the redesign... you know me, I should be angry, right?
Losing the long hair is sad, but I can accept the KOF99 style 😅
The outfit is a 10/10, tho 😤
I also like the Heroines team. I've been asking for years for a Mai-Athena team
Athena Asamiya - Kof 99 - Early Sprites
#AthenaAsamiya #KOF99 #KOF #TeamPsychoSoldier #SNK #TeamSuperHeroine #KOFAS #PsychoSoldier #KOF98UMOL #KOFXV
Jhun Hoon - Kof All Star
#JhunHoon #KOFAS #KOF99 #TeamKorea #KOF98UMOL #KOFXV #KOF #SNK #HappyBirthday
Bao - The King of Fighters '99
#Bao #PsychoSoldier #TeamPsychoSodier #KOF99 #KOFXV #KOF98UMOL #KOF #SNK #KOFAS
Alfred Airhawk - RBFF 2 - The Newcomers
@umarmb021 I can see why Shingo is so popular.
He is best goofball.
Likeable and he is strong despite not having super powers like many of the characters in KOF
In my opinion, Shingo is like a KOF fan.
I hope he returns.
Remember, he won KOF99
The face of a true warrior.
Whip - Kof x Garou Densetsu
#Whip #KOFxGAROU #KOF99 #MetalSlug #IkariWarriors #TeamIkari #SNK #KOFAS #KOF98UMOL #KOFXV #KOF
@KaceeJones8 Yeah.
Poor Krizalid, all his life was a lie.
That ending in KOF99 is one of the saddest 😢
At least he was revived by NESTS in 2001...and then killed again in 2001
KOF'99 Psycho Soldier Team
#KOF #麻宮アテナ #KOF99 #KingofFighters #asamiyaathena
#KOF #主人公チーム #KOF99チーム
もっと“頭”を使えよ 予想通りの行動しかしてないぞ