Season 4 nanti ada part 1, part 2, part 3 + movie sekali.
Khuzairi: "Nanti Nurul datang, pancing Mak Leha tampar dia."

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days 14 and 16,ramen day and hellish akali.

T-T I think I'm taking too long with the drawings

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Macarena, Floki y Kali.
Tres retratos.
Lápiz de color sobre papel.

3 82

Lápiz de color sobre papel.
23 x 30 cm.
Retrato por encargo.

14 307

1. Kresna Tirta Bagaskara.

BBB (Bajingan, bangsat, biadab).
AKP/Kasubnit-Kompol/Kanit, naik pangkat sekali.

Salah satu tokoh utama di cerita utama, dia "anak angkat" Nat yang ngebantuin dia ngusut kasus anakya. Dulu sempat kerja di Resnar-koba tapi dipindah karena trauma.

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Ada sih yang pertama kali..
Ini waktu pertama kali meet sama saku, seneng banget waktu gambar ini (cuma sekarang cringe total)

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Invitation no. 2 by Loles Romero. This priestess is reminiscent of the goddess Kali. Perhaps from the dark corners of India or Sri Lanka, or even ancient Atlantis or Mu, Cthulhu has been summoned by the High Priestess. This, the beginning of the fall of Atlantis

14 54

Challenge gambar tumpukan buku adalah, bikin garis lurus pendek kiri ke kanan, berkali-kali. Dari sini ternyata nemu teknik baru; biar stabil jangan pegang terlalu kenceng pentab-nya, jangan keluarin energinya, let it loose.

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Esok release. Lepas raya cam kena cari Zero atau Trigger untuk display sekali.

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pdhl cmn di rep dia sj, tp geer nya sdh tinggi skali. tolol.

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Free text
Free request backgroundnya
Revisi max 3 kali.

Order atau tanya tanya ? DM or email

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Less cartoony Kali...

buy her book

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Komik-komik yang aku sanggup baca berulang kali.

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20: I don’t have one
21: none of them are popular
22: hmmmm probably Kali. I was supposed to make her for a one shot DnD game but ended up falling in love and keeping her as a main OC! (Art by someone no longer here, , and )

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Yaampun. Aku yang nganggur aja psuing sampe salah masuk gdm berkali-kali. Gimana kamu. Ayo istirahat

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Halo !! I'm Yak! Suka gambar seminggu sekali, kadang bisa juga sebulan sekali. Sering bikin fanart Hosplay dan sekarang otw merambah ke dunia peryutuban a.k.a bikin fanartnya Markiplier✨

7 59

Před 2,5 lety jsem s ní seděla ve vlaku z Kyjeva na Donbas a vyprávěla mi, jak začala válka v Doněcku a jak s dětma utíkali.

Před pár dny utíkali znovu, tentokrát z Kyjeva. Její dcera o tom nakreslila tohle ➡️

Někdy tenhle svět fakt nenávidím.

13 78

Made a freelance reporter to spoof around things in 's TC tactical game.

More characters I've ported over from other things I have going. The chick is Nadjet, and guy is Makali. Took them from your typical shoujo manga couple to corporate mouthpieces.

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Malam mingguku produktif sekali.
semoga kalian suka!! ✨

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