I’d probably go for a hypnotized Non Toyoguchi from Keijo

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in other news i made a new fae man named keijo

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(Also keijo actually has body diversity that isnt just “haha joke” and are serious characters)

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yesterday marked five years since making my old bnha oc, keijou!! i drew this to celebrate LOL

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室町 光 高速で胸を揺らして間合いをわかりにくくする胸技

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Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun. (Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory) reveals teaser visual, Shunsuke Nakajuu (Keijo!!!!!!!! episode director) helms ecchi comedy anime series at Asread https://t.co/ZD8zYFI2r6

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si hay,, se llama Keijo!!!! pero si lo buscas en google como "anime de mujeres peleando con culos" te aparece

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Flat color commission for Tetraknight featuring Saffi from Jimmy Two-Shoes doing her Keijo butt attack!


PATREON: https://t.co/RRV9Q5e30f

KO-FI: https://t.co/9x1CoNmALD

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Après des années de silence, Daichi Sorayomi (Keijo!!!!!!!!) est revenu courant décembre sur le toile avec une pléthore d'illustrations. Et un futur projet de publication ?

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P競女!!!!!!!!-KEIJO- ティザー映像② https://t.co/OvGMpdFlzn より



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Grupo 32

• Keijo
• Ballroom e Youkoso
• Gotoubun no Hanayome
• Perfect Blue

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Keijo have a lot of material to draw 😍😍😍

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A hill I will die on is that Keijo is a pretty good sports MANGA.
The anime is pretty mediocre, leaves out crucial details that add to worldbuilding and the development of several characters, so it feels very shallow in comparison.

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Daichi Sorayomi (Keijo!!!!!!!!) dessine de plus en plus ces dernières semaines. Reviendra-t'il un jour avec une nouvelle série ????????

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Non Toyoguchi from Keijo, wielding the softest buns in anime

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Illustration de Daichi Sorayomi, auteur de "Keijo!!!!!!!!" pour célébrer le Nouvel An.
: si jamais vous recherchez un titre sportif totalement burlesque à publier, ces 18 tomes pourraient vous (nous) plaire.

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