icon commission i just finished up... slots are open rn, click the link in my bio for prices and info :-)

2 3

Been a long time but this character development still hits me hard in the head like a rock.

1 3

My favorite Space Pirate and Rockstar couple 💕

1 10

Not really sure. But I had fun with the wild and randomness of this piece.

I like colors. \< U .U>/

0 7

I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love like you

5 20

전에 올렸던거 채색했슴다.

95 225

결국 그렸다. 다른 작업해야하는뎁. 멈출 수 없었어.....
첫번째가 원본바탕, 두번째그림이 응용자세.
뒤에 수갑?은 어떤식으로 돼있는지 몰라서 그냥 버블로 함.

37 56