The first person you think about in the morning and the last person you think about at night is either the cause of your happiness or the cause of your pain.

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Friendship is based on small gifts, love is based on big ones.

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"Love is a state when, by giving, you gain." for you my dear

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"I believe in one thing. You should always confess your love to the one you love." For you my dear

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You were born to be the only one. And I live to love you!

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The most interesting relationship is when they are no longer friends, but not yet a couple.

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Relationships are something very fragile, like crystal. When a person loves, he wants to keep this love with all his heart."

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We are usually blinded by those who are most dear to us.

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"For the fact that..." love is simple and boring. To love "in spite of ..." is much more difficult and exciting.

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I will write a book in which you will come back to me

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"A man can give everything to his faithful friend ,but not the woman he loves ".

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Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

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Doing what you were born to do is the only way to be happy.

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Always on my mind, always in my heart, always in my dreams, always, all the time.

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for you my dear "We looked into each other's eyes I saw myself,and she saw herself." (Quote by Stanislav Jerzy Lez)

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To fall in love with the soul without touching the body is a talent.

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