Thank you for hosting! 💛
These are my favourite pieces I've done so far, of my OC Ludovic and 's Astolfo.

1 7

TW // SA

[OC] "I am stained forever."

I based this on Artemisia Gentileschi's Susanna and the Elders from 1622. Inverting it this way made it possible to show the aftermath of an unspeakable part of Ludovic's life.

18 69

My best pieces I did of my dearest OC Ludovic so far. 💛

15 55

Congratulations, well deserved! 💛 And thank you for the opportunity! Ludovic would look amazing in your style! 💛

0 1

I'll introduce myself as well - I'm Gabriel, I draw mostly my OC Ludovic and sometimes fanart. I love the gothic, the baroque, the weird, the drama, and the exquisite. I'm proud of my improvement since I joined here, and I want to keep learning to become a better artist. 💛

16 41

Thank you for the artshare, Kova! 💛
I'm Gabriel, I love drawing my OC Ludovic, and I love the gothic, the baroque, the weird, the drama, and the exquisite.

5 29

@ Ludovica:


15 150

[OC] Fragile

Ludovic's tears just keep falling. Like volatile diamonds that never wish to leave him unadorned. His beautiful, cruel jewelry.

73 233

Congratulations on 3.5k, well deserved! And thank you for the opportunity, Ludovic would look amazing in your stlye! 💛

0 5

Thank you for the opportunity! Ludovic would look beautiful in your style! 💛

0 4

Congratulations! 💛
I'll leave Ludovic here if you want to - he would look beautiful in your style!

0 2

Thank you for the artshare! 💛
I'm Gabriel, I love gothic and baroque art, my heart feels at home with their drama and exquisiteness. Here's what I'm currently working on, a portrait of my OC, Ludovic, and here's my best piece I've made so far, of him and 's Astolfo.

5 19

This seems interesting - let's give this a try with Ludovic! 💛

0 3

Ludovic has helped me greatly to reconnect with my femininity that I buried such a long time ago. He also helped me accept my sensitivity, and that I need love, support, and attention, and that it's ok and it's human to feel so. He helped me feel less and less ashamed of myself.

1 10

Boldog születésnapot! 💛 Remélem, jól telik, és jól vagy! Köszönöm a lehetőséget - Ludovic annyira szép lenne a stílusodban (még dolgozom egy közelebbi portrén róla).

1 6

Congratulations on 250+, and cheers to many more, your art is amazing!
And thank you for the opportunity! 💛
I'm entering my Ludovic (I'm still working on a close-up portrait of him).

0 1

Thank you for the opportunity! 💛
Here's my Ludovic.

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I'll leave my favourite, one and only Ludovic here then. 💛

0 3

Congratulations on almost 500 by now! 💛
I would love to see Ludovic in your style.

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