Cloudpiercer. New art for MTG's newest set Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths. AD: Cynthia Sheppard

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"Indestructible Link"
For Magic the Gathering: Ikoria
Art Director: Andrew Vallas



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E aí Planeswalkers? Vamos dar uma olhada nos cards já revelados hoje da nova coleção Ikoria: Terra de Colossos?

Segue o fio!

Começando pelo retorno de Viven e o novo PW da coleção Lukka. 😎

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Today's attack of the Godzilla series monsters continues! Your next card is Sprite Dragon, and its Godzilla series monster counterpart Dorat, the Perfect Pet!

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With all of the exciting new cards being previewed today, and are rescheduling VS Live! to TOMORROW with decks featuring Same time of 1 pm ET at

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More Lair of Behemoths spoilers, including Godzilla, Primeval Titan (Titanoth Rex), Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt, Spacegodzilla, Rodan, and more!

Visual Spoiler:

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So... Here is my otter in all its glory...already banned oTL

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Vadrok, Apex of Thunder/Rodan, Titan of Winged Fury from Wizards' Japanese site

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In amongst all the hype, at 2pm GMT tomorrow I will be embarking on a 24-hour livestream where I will be reading as many pieces of 's fiction as I can to raise money for . Come support my foolish endeavour over at

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Finally MTG Ikoria’s official spoiler is out!!! Here’s my contribution on this awesome set. Had great time working on this one!

Vivien, Monsters’ Advocate.
AD: Cynthia Sheppard

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