For his Phileas Frost wants to travel round the world in 80 days, the last Monday of 2021 (snowman + New Years resolution)

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The Gingerbread man is also on the run from the tax authorities and rocketships are all the rage. Monday is gingerbread man + favourite mode of transport

2 19

This week’s sloth + mistletoe with a dash of Clark Gable (google him kids)

2 15

Margaret was glad they cancelled the office Christmas party after that incident in 2019 when she accidentally kissed the office sloth. Monday of sloth + mistletoe

3 29

A slow smooch for Monday's from !


1 20

Ok actual favourite book characters and skeleton this time (hopefully obvious)

12 82

Mondays macabre answers the question what happens if you don’t find Wally quick enough (skeleton + book character). Might try a cheerier fav character later

3 27

Look out it’s today’s

Turkey on a Vespa. Christmas shopping, done.

3 27

For tonight’s I’m drawing a turkey escaping Thanksgiving on a Vespa using tonight’s sunset pic as a sky ref

7 51

Triffids + Meaning of your name
Triffids sind Pflanzen mit hoher Intelligenz die Menschen fressen und ein wertvolles Öl produzieren. Nach einem Science Fiction Roman von John Wyndham von 1951.
Ich bin sehr Diplomat als Krieger...

4 22

Replying to Triffid + The meaning of your name = small

1 9

My name (Andrew) means strong. However I’m not sure if this is the sort of gym banter a triffid would get into having not been anywhere near weights. Monday triffid + your names meaning

3 22

One of my ancestors was a soldier at the Battle of Waterloo!


1 15

For Monday’s the monsters are facing shortages (vampire + masking tape)

3 28

When your fangs are tied~!

5 50

Even art Leviathans even stare at a blank page sometimes. Monday’s featuring a Leviathan + bottle of ink

4 30