Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹 strength We support you

0 1

For my brave iranian sisters ❤️‍🩹

313 678

گوشه ای از اخبار این روزها !
A corner of the news these days

متاسفم برای مهسا امینی و تمام کسانی که قربانی جهالت شده اند.
I feel sorry for Mahsa Amini and all those who are victims of ignorance.

334 988

Warrior, dedicated to all powerful bold fearless strong female energy

0 0

We will not stop ‘til we get what we deserve

146 134

If you believe in human rights you can't be silent right now! Right now there are millions of people in Iran protesting against the regime for their basic rights! We have no internet connections to share what is happening to

Be our voice!

79 82