(TW: Blood and Stabbing involved )
Based/Inspired by "The Accident/Do you blame yourself?" meme
(Mario The Music Box (C)

17 76

Did some cover art based on the title screen for Mario the Music Box! ^^
(Mario The Music Box (C) )

5 56

Luciano: "treasure the moments, life is short and beautiful"

Luciano created by
Luigi created by Nintendo

20 92

Now it's Marchionne's turn, the boy needs to rest

Marchionne created by
Mario created by Nintendo

42 194

Alice hugging Luigi instead of Riba hugging Mario
(Mario and Luigi belong to Nintendo and MTMB belongs to )

7 47

Done a screenshot redraw from ARC, but with Luigi and Luciano!
(Mario The Music Box ARC belongs to )

10 53

Made Alice into a demon like Riba from ARC 👿
Alice Aduraice belongs to (C)

5 34

this game is so beautiful, i've been with it since it first came out in 2014 and i loved it. from the art to the story to the gameplay. its a masterpiece and the best fangame i have ever tried or know about. Mariofriend9, keep it up.

2 9

What if: (Possessed Luigi) Final Boss for Mario The Music Box Remastered
Mario the Music Box (C)

2 30

"The End?"
(TRIGGER WARNING: BLOOD and spoilers to one of the Mario The Music Box endings!)
Mario The Music Box Remastered (C)

8 37

Len as she appears in Super Mario Continuance the Video Game.

1 3


Okay, now how does that 3-Way Family compared to Riba's Family from Mario: the Music Box?

2 4

Have you ever wondered what happened to Bowser during the Tragedy Ending?
Mario The Music Box Remastered (C)

6 14