Moong cutie ❤️💙❄️☃️#mascotverse

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━━━━━ En cualquier momento subo los otros brrr así que ojo al piojo eh

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Se me hace difícil no dibujarlo sin traumas AJJDJSJDJJA

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She is Katherine, she is inspired by Ettie the mascot of the 2019 Women's Soccer World Cup, she is very skilled in ice skating and air raids, she is in love with Niki but her feelings are not reciprocated

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He is Sadiki, he is inspired by Zakumi the mascot of South Africa 2010, he is a young leopard who is the royal sorcerer of Prince Davi, since he saved his life when he was younger soon more information about him :)

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He is Prince Davi, he rules the underground kingdom of the earth, he is inspired by Fuleco, the mascot of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, being the only survivor of the royal family on earth, you will soon know more about him

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He is Nikita / Niki, he was created for iubidralui, he is inspired by Zabibaka the Russian 2018 mascot, he is a guard apprentice who serves the prince of winter and wants to one day be a general like his father

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let me introduce prince Jamil, he is inspired by the qatar 2022 mascot La'eeb, created for Iubidralui, he is the son of the prince of summer and autumn, you will know more about him soon :)

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As you may all know we all of us have been blessed with the mascot verse & La’Eeb Ik the May be over but we all want the mascot verse to keep moving pls help us to keep them!!! By doing fan arts or tweets here will live!!!

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Pedios Ig p2

El último es mi oc, que ni idea porque me la pidieron JAJSJSJA

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Perdón HAJANS me terminó gustando el ship

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